St George and Bexley Hot Water
Repairs | Replacement | Installations

bexley hot water

Cheapa Hot Water St George and Bexley are your local hot water plumbers specialising in the repair and installation of all solar, gas and electric hot water systems.

St George and Bexley hot water specialists

Save time and money.

Did you know that employing a specialist hot water company like Cheapa Hot Water St. George and Bexley for your water heater installation actually saves you money! The installation of any hot water system requires the experience and qualifications of both a licensed plumber AND a licensed electrician.

We are licensed and qualified to undertake any plumbing and electrical work required to complete the installation or repair of your hot water system quickly, and within budget.

Plumbers who do not specialise in the installation of hot water heaters may need to outsource the electrical work required to another tradesperson, thereby holding up the installation of your hot water heater and also adding extra expense due to additional call-out fees charged by employing two tradespeople. Save money today by calling the hot water experts.

Hot Water System Repairs

No hot water? Leaking hot water tank?  Don’t despair, our St George and Bexley hot water plumbers available today.

Our team of licensed St. George and Bexley hot water repair specialists are authorised and preferred service agents for all hot water brands. Our trucks are on the road right now, stocked with thousands of spare parts for all hot water heater makes and models.  This means you don’t have to wait weeks for parts to arrive.

Enjoy trouble-free hot water today.

With 25+ years of experience repairing all types of solar, gas and electric hot water systems, we can quickly determine what the problem is and get it fixed so you don’t have to suffer the indignity of cold showers. Rest assured, we’ll ensure you’re back enjoying trouble-free hot water today.

Don’t risk your warranty by employing inexperienced tradespeople.

Your hot water system is an expensive appliance so don’t risk voiding your warranty by employing unlicensed or inexperienced tradespeople.  We are authorised to repair and service all hot water heater brands including Rheem, Dux, Rinnai, Aquamax, Bosch, Conergy, Hocking, Apricus, Vulcan, Edwards Solar, Solahart, Everhot and more.


Hot water heater care tips

hot water repairs liverpool

Hot Water System Replacement

Running out of hot water? Want to reduce your energy bills? Want to switch to a more energy-efficient hot water system?

Start enjoying trouble-free hot water for years to come.

Buying a new hot water heater is an investment in the future of your household. The right type and sized hot water heater for your usage ensures you don’t waste money on energy costs whilst ensuring you don’t run out of hot water.

When buying a hot water system, it’s easy to get swayed by a lower price and lose sight of the things that matter most.  When comparing hot water systems, there are three things you need to consider:

  • quality
  • efficiency
  • reliability
Don’t wait for weeks for your new hot water system replacement.

At Cheapa Hot Water St. George and Bexley, not matter your hot water usage requirements and budget, we stock an enormous range of solar, electric and gas replacement hot water heaters.  This means you don’t have to wait days, even weeks, for a new system to arrive.  We’ll ensure you’re enjoying trouble-free hot water today! We’ll even take away, and recycle, your old hot water heater.

If you’re upgrading from an old electric tank to a new gas hot water system or switching to solar hot water, while we’re installing your brand new system we’ll loan you a temporary tank so you don’t suffer the indignity of cold showers.  It’s free and all part of the service.

Fast hot water replacement service

Hot water heater replacement tips

Hot Water Installation

hot water installation liverpool

Save money and take advantage of our expertise when buying a new hot water system.

Hot water is our business.  We have 25+ years of experience and are always up to date with the features and benefits of the solar, gas and electric hot water systems that are currently on the market.

Using this expertise, we go to great measures to ensure your new hot water system ticks three important boxes – quality, efficiency and reliability – to ensure you enjoy trouble-free hot water for many years to come. It’s advice you can trust!

We’ll even take away your old hot water heater and recycle it.

Ask about Government rebates and energy-efficient hot water systems.

Talk to us about switching to a more energy-efficient hot water system that will save you hundreds on your hot water heating costs. In the past 25+ years, we installed hot water systems into countless St. George and Bexley homes and commercial businesses.


Buying a new hot water system tips

Service areas

We provide fast, emergency hot water service to all St George suburbs including Allawah, Arncliffe, Banksia, Bardwell Park, Bardwell Valley, Bexley, Bexley North, Beverley Park, Beverly Hills, Blakehurst, Brighton-Le-Sands, Carlton, Carss Park, Connells Point, Dolls Point, Hurstville, Hurstville Grove, Kingsgrove, Kogarah, Kogarah Bay, Kyeemagh, Kyle Bay, Lugarno, Monterey, Mortdale, Narwee, Oatley, Peakhurst, Peakhurst Heights, Penshurst, Ramsgate, Ramsgate Beach, Riverwood, Rockdale, Sandringham, Sans Souci, South Hurstville, Sydney Airport, Turrella, Wolli Creek.

cheapa hot water liverpool

About Cheapa Hot Water St George / Bexley

The benefits of dealing with dedicated hot water specialist plumbers

Our experienced, licensed hot water installers, in fully equipped trucks, are on the road right now in the St George and Bexley local area to ensure your hot water heater problems fixed quickly – today!  We offer fast hot water repair, replacement and installation service to St George / Bexley area residential and commercial customers.

  • Hot water is our business – it’s not a sideline. Each year we install over 4,000 hot water systems in Sydney homes and businesses.
  • As one of Sydney’s largest hot water system suppliers, our enormous buying powers and ability to buy direct from the manufacturer means we can pass attractive savings on to our customers.
  • Our fully qualified, licensed hot water heater installers have 30+ years of experience each.
  • We are accredited service agents for all the hot water heater brands including RheemDux, Rinnai, Aquamax, Bosch, Conergy, HockingApricusVulcanEdwards SolarSolahart, Everhot and more.
  • Cheapa Hot Water St. George and Bexley is an Australian, family owned business offering reliable, old fashioned service.
  • We pride ourselves on fast service for all electricgas and solar hot water systems.
  • Free delivery of your new hot water system and complimentary disposal of your old water heater.
  • We are qualified to undertake all the plumbing and electrical work required to install a new hot water system. There is no need to waste money employing multiple trades.
  • We have all the equipment needed to install your hot water system today. We don’t have to hire or wait for other trades to arrive with the required equipment.

emergency hot water repairs

hot water system replacement

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